Student Programs

Academic Support
First Lutheran offers programs to enhance reading skills, after-school homework clinics, and weekly drop-in Math Helps sessions, along with opportunities for advanced math students to join the MathCounts Team.

Presentation & Performance
Students build confidence and skills through participation in the Science Fair, Interscholastic Oratorical Affair, Regional Spelling Bee, Christmas and Spring musicals, class chapel services, instrumental music performances, and math competitions.

Lessons in Leadership
Students develop leadership and civic responsibility through roles in the school student council (LEAD), the Principal's Advisory Committee, middle school offices, and community service projects.

A Christian Perspective
Weekly worship services in the on-campus sanctuary offer meaningful worship, scripture, and praise, with offerings supporting charitable missions identified by the student council, and parents are welcome to attend.

Off-Campus Learning
Educational field trips and special overnight trips for fourth through eighth graders provide real-life demonstrations of classroom lessons.

Student & Family Support
First Lutheran supports students and their families with various resources, including an on-campus library, hot lunch program, online communications, health services, care before and after school, summer programs, and church-related activities like worship services, Vacation Bible School, First Communion, pastoral counseling, and community service.

Students in 6th - 8th grades can join boys' or girls' soccer, volleyball, and basketball teams, which practice after school on campus and compete in the South Bay Athletic League, with games held at both First Lutheran and other league campuses.

Music, Foreign Language & The Arts
First Kids offers after-school classes in art, dance, music, performing arts, and foreign languages for an additional fee. Rock the Arts provides on-campus music classes in strings, drums, and wind instruments, while Children's Choirs through First Lutheran Church teach songs of praise to children as young as four. Spanish instruction is available from transitional kindergarten through fourth grade, and the Yearbook Staff, composed of 8th graders, meets weekly to create the school's annual memory book.

Fun & Academic Support
Academic Chess enhances critical thinking and problem-solving, MATHCOUNTS club offers math enthusiasts a chance to compete regionally, and Homework Clinics provide additional classroom homework assistance.