Barbara Fuller
3rd Grade Teacher
My Teaching Philosophy...
Since I was very young I have wanted to be a teacher. Playing school was one of my favorite past times. Even though I was not a very assertive child, I always insisted on being the teacher as we played. Being a teacher has challenged me, taught me many things, and has brought me great joy. Education is a priceless treasure that helps people achieve personal and professional dreams.
Educators and students are always learning, and by learning they are changing. As an educator, I support children in growing spiritually, academically, emotionally, physically, and socially. The most important thing I teach my students is that Jesus is our Lord and Savior, and we are to love God and love others. Academically, I support them in reaching high standards, building stamina as students, doing quality work, making connections to prior knowledge and across the curriculum, and learning from our mistakes. On the emotional level, I teach them to treat each other with kindness, respect, dignity, and grace. Physically, we put importance on taking care of our bodies by eating healthy food, getting rest and exercise, and not putting things in our bodies that would harm them. Socially, they are taught to listen and follow directions, follow classroom and school-wide procedures, to focus on what they are supposed to be doing, improve organizational skills, and get along with others. Furthermore, they are taught to demonstrate integrity, to be honest, and to be dependable. Since all of us have different abilities, I teach by using different modalities. I demonstrate as I speak and model expected behaviors. Learning is enhanced by practice and review. It is a great honor, privilege, and responsibility to be a teacher, and I hold myself to high standards.
Why FLS?
I was introduced to First Lutheran School when I attended a teachers’ conference on the FLS campus. I was impressed with the high-quality way in which the day was run and how-well organized everything was. Soon afterwards, my daughter and I visited an Open House. Besides all of the wonderful things we saw in the classrooms, I was impressed with the other opportunities offered such as Adventures in Art.
Soon after this, I was hired as a third-grade teacher and my daughter came to FLS as a student. Because of this, I know what a wonderful school FLS is from the point of view of a teacher and a parent. Each teacher my daughter had was so wonderful! The trips she got to go on in the upper grades were not only valuable learning experiences, but something she will always remember. She was not only well prepared for high school, but also for college. On top of all this, the students learn about what it means to be a follower of Jesus.
I Remember...
Since I teach third grade, I am going to recall some things I remember about being in third grade. I think the main thing is learning the multiplication facts. I’m so glad we were required to, because I continued to need them as I learned math going throughout the grades, and I also use them in my day-to-day life. Besides math, we learned reading, language arts, science, and social studies, but I also remember creating art projects and square dancing in the classroom. At recess we would play hopscotch, jump rope, swing, and sometimes play jacks. For P.E., we learned to play volleyball, basketball, and baseball. We loved it when we got to play Dodge Ball, Red Rover, and Mother May I. Relay races were fun too. We could buy a hot lunch in the cafeteria or bring a sack lunch. If we had brought a dime from home, we could buy an ice-cream bar after lunch.
Educational Background...
- Masters in Education in Curriculum and Instruction - American College of Education
- California Professional Clear Teaching Credential with a Cross-cultural, Language, and Academic Development (CLAD) certification - California State University Dominguez Hills
- Bachelor of Arts, Social Science with a minor in Biblical Studies - Pacific Christian College