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Faculty and Staff


Kelsee Ready
Kelsee Ready

Principal & Director of Weekday Education

Kelsee Ready

Kelsee Ready


Principal & Director of Weekday Education

310. 320. 9920 x 102

Stephanie Nuruki
Stephanie Nuruki

Managing Director

Stephanie Nuruki

Stephanie Nuruki


Managing Director

310. 320. 9920 x 155

Karina Montoya
Karina Montoya

Transitional Kindergarten Teacher

Karina Montoya

Karina Montoya

Transitional Kindergarten Teacher

My Teaching Philosophy...

Students want a chance to be heard. They get so excited when they get to share their special interests with their peers. I find ways to incorporate those special interests, whether it be Pokemon, dinosaurs or unicorns, to my curriculum as much as possible. When students are really interested in something, they will produce their best work.

Why FLS?

Our school provides a warm, welcoming and safe environment for students to grow both academically and spiritually. The small class sizes enable students to get to know each other and work well together. Our small, but mighty, school community gives students, parents, faculty and staff a sense of family. We are fortunate to be able to build friendships and connections that last well after students graduate from FLS.

I Remember...

When I was in Kindergarten, I remember sitting at rug time listening to a story my teacher, Miss. Kelly, was reading. I was just fascinated by her facial expressions and hand movements. She made me feel like I was part of the story. I keep this memory in mind when I read a book to my students. I try my best to make them feel part of the story too.

Educational Background...

  • California Multiple Subject Credential, California State Fullerton
  • Bachelor of Science/Psychology Minor, California State University Dominguez Hills
  • Carson High School
  • Holy Family School K-8
  • Master of Education 2023, Curriculum and Instruction, Dominguez Hills Carson, CA 
Melyssa Gray
Melyssa Gray

Kindergarten Teacher

Melyssa Gray

Melyssa Gray

Kindergarten Teacher

My Teaching Philosophy...

My teaching philosophy is centered on the belief that every child deserves an education suited to their unique learning needs and styles. I strive to create an inclusive environment where students feel proud of their efforts by encouraging them to learn at their own pace and embrace challenges as opportunities for growth. With collaboration, respect, and a love for both learning and God, I want each student to develop the confidence to share their knowledge and gifts with their community, always giving thanks to God.

Why FLS?

I love how FLS has Christian foundations aligned with my own faith and values. It’s so rewarding to integrate my beliefs into my teaching and see the students grow into Disciples themselves. FLS also has a strong sense of community among students, families, and staff, which makes our school such a supportive environment for learning. Additionally, the wonderful students inspire me every day, making this a place where I can truly make a positive impact.

I Remember...

One of my fondest memories from kindergarten is being so convinced that my teacher was the actress from a show I loved watching. She looked and sang just like the main character. Her vibrant energy and theatrical approach to teaching brought lessons to life, making learning feel magical and unforgettable, feeding into my belief she really was this actress. Every day in her classroom was an adventure, and her zest helped build my love of learning that still resonates with me today.

Educational Background...

AA in Elementary Teacher Education

BA in Liberal Studies with a concentration in History and Social Science from CSULB

Multiple Subject Teaching Credential

Credential Authorizations to teach English Social Sciences

Rosalie Manon
Rosalie Manon

Kindergarten Teacher

Rosalie Manon

Rosalie Manon

Kindergarten Teacher

My Teaching Philosophy…

I believe children learn and excel best in a loving and comfortable environment. Young children learn from hands on activities that engage their curiosity and enhance critical thinking. The early years of a child’s life are the most important for their development in physical, social, and emotional growth. I believe I owe it to my class to bring warmth and stability to the classroom to inspire learning.

Why FLS?

First Lutheran Church and School is a warm and nurturing environment to its students and staff. Both my children attended preschool here at FLS and my daughter still talks about her time in the Sea Turtle class. This community is like a family and it wants everyone in it to succeed.

I Remember…

When I was in Kindergarten I remember painting at the easel and just being so in the moment and not caring what the outcome looked like. All I cared about was how the colors mixed and how happy I felt holding the paint brush. I keep this in mind every day when I’m with the children I teach and in life, that it’s so important to be in the moment and be present in everything we do.

Educational Background…

Ever since I was young I’ve wanted to be a teacher. I’ve been working in the preschool here in the EEC and at the St. Marks campus for 15 years. I have about 26 years experience working with young children. I have 33 early education units from Harbor and El Camino college. I am currently re enrolled at El Camino college to continue my education.

Carey Miyashiro
Carey Miyashiro

1st Grade Teacher

Carey Miyashiro

Carey Miyashiro

1st Grade Teacher

My Teaching Philosophy...

I believe that every child has a right to a quality education. By quality, I mean that all subjects should be given equal value, and all students should be given every opportunity to achieve their individual best. I believe the classroom should be a warm, safe, and supportive learning environment so students are comfortable at their own level of learning. I believe students should be exposed to a variety of experiences and avenues as a way to meet their diverse learning styles and abilities.

Why FLS?

FLS is a community. It is a community of people who work together and who understand that working together is what is needed to help students be successful in their learning. We use our differences to teach compassion and understanding for others. All grade levels learn to work with one another and the older students become role models for the younger students. Students not only gain an academic education through fun activities, but they leave FLS with the same compassion and understanding for others as they have been shown.

I Remember...

Some of my best first grade memories were made with my friends, one of whom I am still friends with today. We rode the bus to and from school together, spent our recesses together, and we were always partners in the classroom playing family or creating art. Finger painting was always my favorite thing to do in the classroom.

Educational Background...

  • CA Multiple Subject Teaching Credential, California State University, Fullerton
  • Bachelor of Arts, Liberal Studies, California State University, Dominguez Hills
  • North Harford HS (Pylesville, Maryland)
  • St. Dominic's Elementary School (Baltimore, Maryland)
Kelly Montgomery
Kelly Montgomery

1st Grade Teacher

Kelly Montgomery

Kelly Montgomery

1st Grade Teacher

My Teaching Philosophy...

As a teacher my number one goal is for students to feel known, supported and loved. I give my students choice in what we learn and how we learn, so they are not only learning content and skills, but they are learning how to become lifelong learners. My goal for my students is that they become self advocates for their own learning needs, understanding themselves as learners so they can continue to advocate for themselves and their learning for the rest of their lives.

Above all else, our classroom should be a place where students feel safe to bring every part of who they are and learn how to become the best version of themselves.

Why FLS?

From the moment I began substitute teaching at this school I felt so supported by this community and knew they cared about me and my future. It is so wonderful to be a part of a community that lifts each other up and that is constantly rooting for you. What a wonderful place to learn and grow in Christ.

I Remember...

All of my favorite things in 1st grade had to do with creating. I remember writing books, creating art out of anything I could find, and creating new games to play with my friends using all the wonderful things I had been learning.

Educational Background...

  • CA Multiple Level Teaching Credential
  • MN Educators License, Tier 3 (K-6, 5-8 Communication Arts/Literature)
  • Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education, Gustavus Adolphus College
  • Eastview Highschool, Apple Valley, MN
Sherri Miller
Sherri Miller

2nd Grade Teacher

Sherri Miller

Sherri Miller

2nd Grade Teacher

My Teaching Philosophy...

My Philosophy of teaching is that children learn best in a creative, inviting, engaging environment. I want each child to not only master the skills of 2nd grade but emerge from my class as a confident student ready to take on the challenges of the next grade levels. I treat our classroom as a small community and our learning as a combination of shared experiences and knowledge gathering. By encouraging questions, comments, hands on experiences, and discussions, I hope to help the 2nd graders develop a lifelong love of learning.

Why FLS?

To me, FLS is like a family. From the first day I began working here, I was welcomed and I feel that welcoming atmosphere definitely extends to our students and families. We offer a challenging curriculum that is also a faith filled one. It is a perfect balance to balance students in their academic and faith lives.

I Remember...

I actually decided to become a teacher as a 2nd grader! My 2nd grade teacher, Mrs. Dowell, was such a kind, caring , thoughtful indidvidual and I remember telling my parents that one day I too wanted to be a teacher. I still have a card she gave me and an endangered animal report I wrote while in her class.

Educational Background...

  • Master of Arts in Reading Education, Loyola Marymount University
  • Multi Subject Clear Credential in Elementary Education, Single Subject Clear Credential in English, and Preschool Clear Credential, Mount St. Mary's University
  • BA in Liberal Studies, Mount St. Mary's University
  • BA in English, Mount St. Mary's University
Haley Tsai
Haley Tsai

2nd Grade Teacher

Haley Tsai

Haley Tsai

2nd Grade Teacher

My Teaching Philosophy...

As a teacher, I promise to treat each student as an individual, and to know each student academically and personally, so that I can cater to their individual needs and interests. My goal is to recognize each child’s unique qualities and ideas, to encourage them to think creatively and freely, and to support their opinions and ideas. I want each student to feel confident, knowing that I will never criticize or judge, them or their ideas. Learning new teaching methods is a priority so that I can provide my students with the most successful strategies and the best resources that I can acquire to support their educational experience.

Why FLS?

First Lutheran Church and School is a close knit community where classmates become life-long friends. I attended First Lutheran School from 1st through 8th grade and have so many special memories from the classes, projects, and field trips I was able to participate in during those 7 years. I feel so blessed to be a member of the First Lutheran community and love being able to give back to this community as a 2nd grade teacher.

I Remember...

In 2nd grade, my favorite unit was about making and creating our own made up land. We used clay to build mountains, rivers, lakes, and valleys and painted and labeled each of these landscapes on our terrain model. The writing assignment aligned with this project allowed us to create the people and animals that lived in our made up land. The freedom to use my imagination and make my ideas come to life made this learning experience such a fond memory.

Educational Background...

Ever since elementary school, I’ve wanted to become a teacher. In 2008, I graduated from the University of California, Irvine with a B.A. in Social Science and a minor in Educational Studies. The Education courses and classroom volunteer experiences inspired me to pursue a Multiple Subjects Teaching Credential and a Master’s Degree in Education at UCI. After graduating in 2010, I substituted in the Irvine Unified School District for grade levels preschool-high school, as well as at First Lutheran and in Kauai at Kalaheo Elementary as a long term substitute.

Barbara Fuller
Barbara Fuller

3rd Grade Teacher

Barbara Fuller

Barbara Fuller

3rd Grade Teacher

My Teaching Philosophy...

Since I was very young I have wanted to be a teacher. Playing school was one of my favorite past times. Even though I was not a very assertive child, I always insisted on being the teacher as we played. Being a teacher has challenged me, taught me many things, and has brought me great joy. Education is a priceless treasure that helps people achieve personal and professional dreams.

Educators and students are always learning, and by learning they are changing. As an educator, I support children in growing spiritually, academically, emotionally, physically, and socially. The most important thing I teach my students is that Jesus is our Lord and Savior, and we are to love God and love others. Academically, I support them in reaching high standards, building stamina as students, doing quality work, making connections to prior knowledge and across the curriculum, and learning from our mistakes. On the emotional level, I teach them to treat each other with kindness, respect, dignity, and grace. Physically, we put importance on taking care of our bodies by eating healthy food, getting rest and exercise, and not putting things in our bodies that would harm them. Socially, they are taught to listen and follow directions, follow classroom and school-wide procedures, to focus on what they are supposed to be doing, improve organizational skills, and get along with others. Furthermore, they are taught to demonstrate integrity, to be honest, and to be dependable. Since all of us have different abilities, I teach by using different modalities. I demonstrate as I speak and model expected behaviors. Learning is enhanced by practice and review. It is a great honor, privilege, and responsibility to be a teacher, and I hold myself to high standards.

Why FLS?

I was introduced to First Lutheran School when I attended a teachers’ conference on the FLS campus. I was impressed with the high-quality way in which the day was run and how-well organized everything was. Soon afterwards, my daughter and I visited an Open House. Besides all of the wonderful things we saw in the classrooms, I was impressed with the other opportunities offered such as Adventures in Art.

Soon after this, I was hired as a third-grade teacher and my daughter came to FLS as a student. Because of this, I know what a wonderful school FLS is from the point of view of a teacher and a parent. Each teacher my daughter had was so wonderful! The trips she got to go on in the upper grades were not only valuable learning experiences, but something she will always remember. She was not only well prepared for high school, but also for college. On top of all this, the students learn about what it means to be a follower of Jesus.

I Remember...

Since I teach third grade, I am going to recall some things I remember about being in third grade. I think the main thing is learning the multiplication facts. I’m so glad we were required to, because I continued to need them as I learned math going throughout the grades, and I also use them in my day-to-day life. Besides math, we learned reading, language arts, science, and social studies, but I also remember creating art projects and square dancing in the classroom. At recess we would play hopscotch, jump rope, swing, and sometimes play jacks. For P.E., we learned to play volleyball, basketball, and baseball. We loved it when we got to play Dodge Ball, Red Rover, and Mother May I. Relay races were fun too. We could buy a hot lunch in the cafeteria or bring a sack lunch. If we had brought a dime from home, we could buy an ice-cream bar after lunch.

Educational Background...

  • Masters in Education in Curriculum and Instruction - American College of Education
  • California Professional Clear Teaching Credential with a Cross-cultural, Language, and Academic Development (CLAD) certification - California State University Dominguez Hills
  • Bachelor of Arts, Social Science with a minor in Biblical Studies - Pacific Christian College
Cathy Cornelison
Cathy Cornelison

3rd Grade Teacher

Cathy Cornelison

Cathy Cornelison

3rd Grade Teacher

My Teaching Philosophy...

The students are my second family not only during the school year, but even after third grade. I believe that each child should learn in a loving and supportive classroom while attaining academic success and social growth. Mother Theresa said it best, “Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God's kindness: kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile.”

Why FLS?

At First Lutheran Church and School our mission statement is to be God centered, respectful of others, academic successful, clear- communicators, and equipped for success. Our campus builds on faith, strong academics, and a close sense of community. Many co-curricular and enrichment opportunities with dedicated teachers are available to students during school hours and on campus after school.

I Remember...

I remember when I was in third grade, I had a wonderful teacher name Mrs. Kaufman. In her class, we recited multiplication facts to a stop watch, read SRA in centers with headphones, and had fun learning. She inspired me to learn more about U.S. history and art. During my third grade lunch breaks, I would volunteer in the first grade classroom to help with the students. My first grade teacher took me and my best friend horseback riding once on a Saturday.

Educational Background...

  • Masters in Education and CA Multiple Subject Teaching Credential with CLAD, Pepperdine University
  • Supplementary Credential in Art
  • Bachelor of Arts, Economics and Art History, Occidental College
  • Viewpoint School, Calabasas
Annette Roquemore
Annette Roquemore

4th Grade Teacher

Annette Roquemore

Annette Roquemore

4th Grade Teacher

My Teaching Philosophy...

When students are provided a fun, safe, loving, and engaging learning environment, students learn without even realizing it. When students feel valued, they want to learn. I strive to create a classroom that follows the Golden Rule: Matthew 7:12, “So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you.” This becomes our Class Motto each year to set the tone for our learning environment.

Why FLS?

The staff here at First Lutheran Church & School are incredible. They work tirelessly to reach each student, no matter their learning ability or style. The pastor(s) are always available to provide help and guidance to those who need it. Each of my three sons received an excellent education attending First Lutheran School from the time they were infants through eighth grade. Even though they are now in college or have graduated from University, each of my sons have remained in contact with several of the friends they made while attending FLS. The students, parents and staff all become one big “First Lutheran Family.” We are a community of people who love and serve our Lord and Savior, Jesus.

I Remember...

I fondly remember Mrs. Anderson, my blonde-haired, blue-eyed, bubbly & kind fourth-grade teacher. She did not allow her short stature to prevent her from moving quickly around the classroom in her enormously high heels! It still puts a smile on my face as I imagine Mrs. Anderson racing down the hallway with her short blonde hair bobbing up and down while her students trailed behind her, trying in vain to keep up with her!

Educational Background...

  • Masters of Curriculum and Instruction, American College of Education
  • Bachelor of Arts, Elementary Education, Concordia College, Moorhead, MN
  • Hawley High School, Hawley, MN
  • Hawley Elementary School, Hawley, MN
Kathy Allen
Kathy Allen

4th grade teacher

Kathy Allen

Kathy Allen

4th grade teacher

My Teaching Philosophy...

My philosophy of teaching is to keep students engaged in their learning.I believe in a hands-on approach to teaching.In math and science, I find it especially helpful to use manipulatives, experiments, and demonstrations to motivate and facilitate learning.I think that every child should be encouraged to tackle concepts and subjects they may not appreciate yet.Often, they will discover that they are capable in these areas and come to enjoy them.

Why FLS?

I have found FLS to be a warm, safe and welcoming environment where kids are supported and encouraged. With smaller class sizes, students do not fall through the cracks. It’s a place where kids can still be kids.

I Remember...

I remember fourth grade was the year we got to move to the upper grade building.This building was three stories tall with a fire chute, like a giant slide, attached to the side.During fire drills we got to slide down.That was an adventure!By the time we reached sixth grade, however, the fire chute and the building had become too old and was torn down shortly after we finished the school year.

Educational Background...

  • BS- Elementary Education; Iowa State University
  • MA- Curriculum and Instruction; California State University, Los Angeles
Lisa Croom
Lisa Croom

5th Grade Teacher

Lisa Croom

Lisa Croom

5th Grade Teacher

My Teaching Philosophy...

I feel like 5th grade should be about learning how to be more independent, learning to ask more clarifying questions, and learning how to solve problems. To accomplish this the class needs to be safe, inclusive and supportive of each other in a God centered classroom.

Why FLS?

This is a community that can stay connected even after you have left the community here on campus. Friendships are continued and students stay in contact with former teachers. It is amazing to learn what they accomplish after they move on from FLS.

I Remember...

I remember the trips we took in school, the challenges we overcame together as a group, and the growing we did as we learned to do more things for ourselves. Constitution baseball was a favourite in 8th grade.

Educational Background...

  • Fresno Pacific University - California Teaching Multiple Subject Credential Program
  • CSU Dominguez Hills- Bachelors of Arts- Liberal Studies with a concentration in Music and Preliminary Credential Program
  • El Camino College-Associate of Arts (General Education-I think) (It was a long time ago and the paperwork is in my classroom that I won't be able to get to until tomorrow.)
  • Alumni- North Torrance High School
  • Alumni- First Lutheran School (EEC-8)
Lauren McCray
Lauren McCray

5th Grade Teacher

Lauren McCray

Lauren McCray

5th Grade Teacher

Linda Dwyer
Linda Dwyer

6th Grade Teacher

Linda Dwyer

Linda Dwyer

6th Grade Teacher

My Teaching Philosophy...

To provide a superior quality of education to every student taught as wellas to provide an atmosphere where students can successfully develop their fullest potential.

Why FLS?

First Lutheran is a placeyou find a close-knit community and where everyone is concerned about each other.I love the energy, enthusiasm and desire that students have to learn.

I Remember….

I have been extremely fortunate to be surrounded by those who have encouraged me to become a teacher. My father was high school math and science teacher who was mainly my inspiration of wanting to become a teacher.

Educational Background:

  • Cross-cultural, Language and Academic Development Certificate
  • Supplementary Authorization to a Teaching Credential- Math supplementary for Single Subject Credential
  • Received BA and BS Degrees from California Baptist University Multiple Subject Teaching Credential- BA
  • Single Subject Teaching Credential – BS (Physical Education)
  • Received MA degree from California State University at Northridge Specialist Instruction Credential in Special Education (Communicatively Handicapped with emphasis in deaf and hard of hearing - MA
Suzanne DeMedio
Suzanne DeMedio

6th Grade Teacher

Suzanne DeMedio

Suzanne DeMedio

6th Grade Teacher

My Teaching Philosophy...

I believe that the classroom should be a safe place for students to learn from their mistakes and take risks in their learning. Respect for God and each other, collaboration, and developing independent learning skills will be at the core of everything we do in our class.

Why FLS?

I was first introduced to FLS as a teacher visiting for the annual Oratorical Affair. I was so impressed with the school’s faith-based education and community atmosphere that years later, when my son was ready for kindergarten, FLS was my family’s first choice. As my son attended K-8th grade at FLS, I loved seeing him and his classmates grow not only in their academic knowledge but also as capable and confident young citizens of the community.

I Remember...

In fifth grade, I remember reading and art being my favorite subjects. I have fond memories of Ms. Kvamme, my social studies teacher (formerly my first grade and soon to be my 6-8th teacher). Ms. Kvamme made learning history fun, while also encouraging her students to question. I also remember having fun hanging out in after school care with my friends and many kind counselors

Educational Background...

  • CA Multiple Subject and CLAD Credential
  • Master of Arts in Education (emphasis in Curriculum & Instruction) from Chapman University
  • Bachelor of Arts Degree (Liberal Studies major) from Loyola Marymount University
  • St. Bernard High School - Playa del Rey, CA
Deborah Saxton
Deborah Saxton

Middle School Teacher

Deborah Saxton

Deborah Saxton

Middle School Teacher

My Teaching Philosophy...

FLS provides a nurturing and welcoming environment for students and staff alike. Smaller class sizes allow teachers to get to know their students and so provide more personalized support and attention.

Why FLS?

Linking concepts that we explore in class to real life applications and making connections is essential and makes learning more relevant to students. Science and technology keeps expanding our understanding of our world and we need more scientists to carry on that work. I hope to influence students’ thoughts about science and make them aware of the many opportunities for them in the science / tech field.

I Remember...

I remember my middle school science classes. We did lots of simple experiments in chemistry that usually involved hydrogen gas production and making it ‘pop’. My biology teacher taught us about circulation and that’s when the biological sciences began to intrigue me. How do the molecules and atoms that are working inside us maintain this thing called life?

Educational Background...

  • BS (Hons) Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Manchester, UK.
  • Biomedical Science Accreditation, University of Westminster, UK.
  • Multiple Subjects Teaching Credential, TEACH CalState LA.
Karie Sandoval
Karie Sandoval

Middle School Teacher

Karie Sandoval

Karie Sandoval

Middle School Teacher

My Teaching Philosophy...

I believe that students learn best when they are in an environment where they are actively engaged in both group and individual learning through project based and student led activities. I believe that students retain and are more actively involved when we follow a student centered approach to education.

Why FLS?

I have been a part of the FLS community since I was in preschool, whether I was a student or staff member. So I have always considered this place my home. I think this is why FLS is so special, it creates a sense of community. The relationships between students and teachers is very important, and one what is fostered and nurtured in such a close knit community.

I Remember...

I remember my 8th grade vividly. It was the last year with all my childhood friends, before we took off for the new adventures of High School. Our east coast class trip was the marker of this stage in our life coming to an end, but the memories that were created were unforgettable.

Educational Background...

  • Bachelors of Arts in Liberal Arts and K-8 Teaching Credential from CSULB
  • Masters in Education and Curriculum from Concordia University
Gohar Yervandyan
Gohar Yervandyan

Middle School Teacher

Gohar Yervandyan

Gohar Yervandyan

Middle School Teacher

My Teaching Philosophy...

My teaching philosophy has evolved through my experience with students ranging from Kindergarteners to High Schoolers. Central to my approach is igniting curiosity and promoting active learning. I consider myself primarily a facilitator of learning, where students engage in the process of deriving meaning from history, enabling them to better evaluate the present.

Why FLS?

Fully embracing my role as a newcomer to the community, I've grown to deeply value FLS's impeccable reputation. It's a school that genuinely prioritizes the unique needs of every student and fosters an environment characterized by mutual respect.

I Remember...

I developed a passion for history and critical thinking. It was during these formative years that my 8th-grade teacher exposed us to complex subjects, unveiling a fresh perspective on how information was presented. This experience revealed to me the importance of exploration in truly comprehending and engaging with history. As an educator, I aim to provide my students with similar opportunities for exploration and discovery.

Educational Background...

  • B.A. in Psychology, University of San Francisco
  • Masters in Teaching (MAT), University of San Francisco
Rachael Rennergarbe
Rachael Rennergarbe

Middle School Teacher

Rachael Rennergarbe

Rachael Rennergarbe

Middle School Teacher

My Teaching Philosophy:

Teaching is a challenging profession. An effective teacher really has to love what they do and want to help children learn. It is rewarding to watch a child's thought process as they figure out a problem. Each person learns in their own unique way. No two people think exactly alike, so we cannot expect people to learn just alike. A teacher needs to present information in a variety of ways and explain things in different ways to allow for different learning styles and to make it interesting and meaningful.

Why FLS?

I grew up in the Lutheran church and in Lutheran schools. I have taught in Lutheran schools throughout my teaching career. When the opportunity to join FLS came along, it felt natural to join the community here and see God's grace in the family of FLS.

I Remember...

I have always loved math. I was blessed to have a wonderful 5th grade math teacher that allowed me to expand on the concepts in class with enrichment projects. I was able to apply the math skills taught in class and be creative at the same time.

Educational Background:

  • Bachelor of Arts in Multidisciplinary Studies with a specialization in Mathematics from Texas Lutheran University
  • Early Childhood Education Certificate from Ashworth College
  • California Clear Multiple Subject Teaching Credential in General Subjects
Joshua Roquemore
Joshua Roquemore

Computer Teacher

Joshua Roquemore

Joshua Roquemore

Computer Teacher

Why FLS?

At FLS, our exceptional community is formed by a diverse blend of dedicated educators and enthusiastic students. As a proud member of both the teaching staff and counseling team, I confidently attest to the genuine love and concern that both these groups pour into our students' well-being. It’s not just about getting to know the class, but getting to know each student as an individual whose qualities are what make them unparalleled. This heartfelt connection forms the cornerstone of our institution.

I Remember...

Reflecting on my school days, one memory that stands out is from my time in the computer class, brilliantly led by Mr. Zagorin. This class not only allowed for some playful moments after completing assignments, but it also turned out to be one of the most practical subjects I encountered. Equipping me with skills essential for navigating the ever-evolving landscape of modern technology, this class left an indelible mark on my educational journey. I am extremely proud to be in that very position now as I lead this new generation of students, introducing them to all the aspects of technology that I believe will be essential for them in the future.

Educational Background:

  • Bachelors of Science in Biology, University of California, San Diego
  • West Torrance High School
  • First Lutheran School
Stacy Perkins
Stacy Perkins


Stacy Perkins

Stacy Perkins


310. 320. 9920 x 135

Sharon Wiktorowicz
Sharon Wiktorowicz

Physical Education Teacher

Sharon Wiktorowicz

Sharon Wiktorowicz

Physical Education Teacher

My Teaching Philosophy...

As a teacher it is my goal to get all students to learn to be active for a lifetime. It is important for me to include activities that are fun and engaging. I understand that students come from a variety of backgrounds and have many different learning styles. It is important for me to get to know my students and their learning styles so that I can address each student’s needs and adapt my instruction. I focus on physical education content such as specialized motor skills, sport strategies, rhythmic skills, and how to achieve a level of physical fitness. I thoroughly enjoy teaching all children, no matter their ability level or background on how to move successfully and learn to become personally and socially responsible people.

Why FLS?

As a child I went to a Lutheran school from K to 8 and I thoroughly enjoyed my time there. I loved the small class sizes and the community. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to teach at FLS and join such an amazing community who supports each other and learns together through Christ.

I Remember...

I love being physically active. Since I was a little kid I have participated in many sports and physical activities such as t-ball, volleyball, basketball, swimming, gymnastics, and dance. My dad was always so involved in my physical activities and I had the opportunity to have him as my coach in many of my sports. I loved how much support he gave me growing up. My mom taught me so many fun, active games that I got to participate in through birthday parties and our church youth group. However, it wasn’t until my college experience that I realized my passion for physical education. I had so many amazing professors that taught me so many new and exciting ways in which to teach physical education that have less lines, more active participation, more contact with the equipment, and fun and engaging warm-ups and activities.

Educational Background...

  • Bachelors of Science in Health Science with a Health Education emphasis - California State University Northridge
  • Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology with a Physical Education emphasis - California State University Northridge
  • Single Subject Teaching Credential in Physical Education - San Francisco State University
  • Single Subject Teaching Credential in Health Education - San Francisco State University
  • Master of Science in Kinesiology with a Physical Activity Social Scientific Perspectives emphasis - San Francisco State University
Lisa Semko
Lisa Semko

Music Teacher

Lisa Semko

Lisa Semko

Music Teacher

My Teaching Philosophy...

I have been teaching at FLS for many years. My primary concern as a music teacher is to create a safe space for students to learn, create, and perform music.

Why FLS?

First Lutheran School recognizes the importance of music education and gives students many opportunities to participate in music related activities.

I Remember...

My own music education started at an early age, and the class I remember the most was 5th grade music with Mr. Bentwood. He taught us how to conduct a choir, sing in German, and play the recorder. I participated in choirs at church and school throughout junior high and high school, and went on to earn a B.A. in Music from California State University, Long Beach. After graduating, I toured and recorded with Ray Conniff and the Singers for many years. Now I’m happy to be working with students to find the musician within themselves.

Educational Background...

  • B.A. in Music from California State University, Long Beach
Tamara Korshavn
Tamara Korshavn

Intervention Specialist

Tamara Korshavn

Tamara Korshavn

Intervention Specialist

My Teaching Philosophy

I believe that children thrive and grow when they feel safe, supported, valued, and heard. When working with students, I pride myself on helping them to cultivate and challenge their own thinking. I promote an environment of inclusivity, compassion, communication, and grace. I believe that students should learn to be risk-takers, grow to have the courage to believe, and serve others with compassion and model what it means to have GRIT and to be a good communicator. I strive to attend to the whole child, where all aspects of one’s growth are supported: spiritual, intellectual, cultural, creative, physical and emotional. Knowing my students and colleagues, how they learn, their values, and inspirations, is critical to creating strong relationships and encouraging long-term learning and growth. My goal as an educator is to continually support each child and parent who enters my classroom to discover and embrace their individual identities, interests, strengths, and embark on their own, individual journey, so they can discover themselves and become world changers.

Why FLS?

As a former parent of FLS alumni, I have witnessed the commitment the FLS staff has to the educational successes of every student. The teachers strive to support each child and parent to discover and embrace their confidence and identity, so they can become the happy, healthy world-changers of tomorrow. First Lutheran is more than a school. It is a community built on honor, transparency, and participation. Parents, students, and teachers work together to fuel opportunities to achieve learning goals and thrive by honoring each child’s work, abilities, and strengths.

I Remember...

I remember watching my own son struggle with learning and school throughout his academic journey. Some nights were rough and long. We shared many tears and frustrations. His intervention specialists were what prompted me to work with diverse students. Watching these individuals work their magic was incredible. Not only did they help my son see his academics differently, they shared tricks that made learning “easier”. To see my son’s frustrations turn to successes and his tears to smiles was all it took for me to realize that students should be exposed to a variety of experiences to meet individuals' needs in a warm, inviting, supportive, and caring setting. My son has since graduated college, but if it had not been for the love and assistance from his educational therapists this may not have been possible.

Educational Background...

  • CA Multiple Subject Clear Teaching CredentialCalifornia State Dominguez Hills
  • AA Child Psychology, El Camino Community College
  • Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, California State Dominguez Hills
  • Master of Arts, Special Education, Concordia University.
  • Reading specialist/ Literacy coaching, University California of Irvine
  • Intervention strategies, LindaMood Bell, Palos Verdes
  • South Torrance HS


Joanna Wang
Joanna Wang

Senior Administrative Assistant

Joanna Wang

Joanna Wang


Senior Administrative Assistant

(310) 320 - 9920 ext. 100

Saundra Mori
Saundra Mori

Senior Administrative Assistant

Saundra Mori

Saundra Mori


Senior Administrative Assistant

(310) 320-9200 ext. 106

Jill Escalante
Jill Escalante

Supervisor, Before and After School Care

Jill Escalante

Jill Escalante


Supervisor, Before and After School Care

310. 320. 9920 x 136

Angela Villareal
Angela Villareal

Health Clerk

Angela Villareal

Angela Villareal


Health Clerk

310-320-9920 x142

Suki Chaney
Suki Chaney

Marketing & Communications Intermediate & Middle School Art

Suki Chaney

Suki Chaney


Marketing & Communications Intermediate & Middle School Art

310-320-9920 x147

Nick Zagorin
Nick Zagorin

IT Manager

Nick Zagorin

Nick Zagorin

IT Manager

310. 320. 9920 x 154